Sunday, June 13, 2010

11 Years and counting...

Yesterday, Lindsay and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. We were able to drop the kids at her parents house and enjoy a night away at a resort in Wisconsin. It was a much needed retreat in the midst of our craziness, and I have always enjoyed the quiet company of my wife, especially when we are able to get away, for an hour or a whole night.

It has been an amazing journey for us over the past 11 years. God has blessed us in so many ways, and we try to use these landmarks in time to recount all the ups and downs and blessing upon blessing that we have received. But mainly, I enjoyed this time because it will probably be the last landmark that we celebrate together in our normal comfortable environment. We even discussed that over dinner, how next year's anniversary would be so different. It is hard letting go of worldly things, and at times like these, when those worldly things seem to draw us closer, it is even tougher.

But God has great things planned for us. We have begun this journey to follow God into a new culture and country, and we trust that He will continue to pour out His blessings on us. I thank God every day for the tremendous gift that He gave me in my wife. And through that blessing, so many more have come. And when I take measure of those blessings that I have been given by God, why do I ever doubt that he would continue to provide for us? He has been true and faithful to us through so many days and weeks and months and years, there is no reason to doubt that He will continue.

So, Happy Anniversary to my best friend and true companion. May we be faithful in our persuit of Godliness together, and may we be blessed in our marriage for many years to come.

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