Thursday, May 27, 2010

5 Great Years

Tomorrow is the last day of school for the year for our kids. But this "last day" marks the end of a season for us, and one that we are very sad to see go. You see, tomorrow is not just the last day of school, but its the very last day for our kids at Cornerstone Christian Academy. Noah began Pre-K there back in the fall of 2005, and each year we have watched one, then two, and now three kids grow in their knowledge of God and who He is, as well as the things that He created for us to learn. All of our kids have flourished at Cornerstone, growing into little people who can read, write, speak, and learn.

We are proud to have been able to be part of the Cornerstone family for 5 years. We have made so many good friends there, just as our kids have also. We were given the opportunity by Mrs. Swedberg, Amanda's teacher, to do the final chapel of the year at the school. We took the opportunity to thank all the great teachers that have help shape the 3 little minds that live under our roof. We thank God for bringing us Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Honiotis, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Watson, Ms. Mary, Mrs. Merical, Mrs. Dorf, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Harbecke, Mrs. Cooper, Ms. Johnson (again), Ms. Watson (again), Mrs. Swedberg, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Ferara, Mrs. Pauling, and Mrs. Baker. We also are very thankful for Mrs. Dwyer, Mr. Olmstead, and Mrs. Blanton, who all were so great to our kids over the past 5 years.

God has richly blessed our family through this school, and our prayer is that Cornerstone will continue to fulfill its mission, which is to bring up Godly leaders who will impact the world for Jesus.

So tomorrow, our kids will have their last Cornerstone "last day of school". When school resumes in the fall, our kids will be 2000 miles away and in the greatest adventure of their little lives, which will be sharing the love of Jesus to the children of another culture. Thank you Cornerstone for helping us prepare them in so many ways. But thank you that because of the mission of the school, the administrators, the board, and the wonderful teachers, our kids are now ready... ready to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

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